5 principles to kick start your Pilates journey

Written by Hannah Moran - UPG Physiotherapist & Pilates Instructor

Want to start Pilates but don’t know where to start? Try these basic Pilates Principles to help you release some muscles and begin your Pilates journey.

1) Head & Cervical Placement

  • In most instances, the neck should continue the line created by the thoracic spine.

  • Begin with a slight head nod, eye gaze drops, and head stays resting on the mat (avoid jamming your chin to your chest).

  • Try adding in a crunch by lifting your shoulder blades up off the floor, keeping your neck in line with your spine.

2) Pelvic Placement

  • Rock your pelvis through anterior and posterior tilts, neutral will be found somewhere between the two. 

  • Engage TA (transverse abdominis) by drawing your belly towards your spine, think about “tightening the corset”.

  • The strongest position for stability is the neutral pelvis with your TA activated.

  • If unable to maintain control in this position, you may need to try the imprint position by moving into a slightly more posterior pelvic tilt position with TA and obliques engagement (think about “sliding ribs to hips”)

3) Rib Cage Placement

  • The abdominal wall attaches to the ribcage and can appear lifted or flared when abdominal muscles are not engaged. 

  • Think about maintaining a sense of the weight of the ribs resting on the mat, without pushing heavily down on the mat. 

  • When adding in arm movements, think about keeping the abdominal connection and rib cage resting on the mat.

4) Scapular Movement & Stabilisation

  • The ’shoulder blades’ are very mobile body parts so require stabilization throughout all exercises whether arms are moving or not. 

  • Try these different movements of the scapulae to gain awareness of their positioning.

5) Breathing

  • 3D breathing is encouraged to promote muscle activation and helps to avoid the build-up of tension.

  • Breathe in through the nose, expanding the rib cage.

  • Breathe out through the mouth, and focus on the gentle engagement of the pelvic floor and abdomen as the air escapes. 

Come and meet me at the UPG Studio where I can work with you to identify your goals and create your individualised Physift program that incorporates aspects of clinical exercise and physiotherapy on mat & reformer.

Once you’re comfortable with your program, you can join our small group classes with a maximum of 5 clients to continue to progress through your Physfit program! Find more information about our Physfit Classes here.